Launch the right products to the right people at the right price
To launch a winning product you need to put your customers first. Instead of guessing what your customer want to see next, just ask them.
Product selection and development that counts.
Find out what your current and potential customers find important when looking for a product in your desired category.
Identifying a core target group will help steer your product selection/development in the right direction and ensure there is demand when launching.
How Does Bazar Surveys Inform Brand Awareness Strategy?
Find the right price for your product.
Price is one of the most important factors when launching a new product but it often comes from inconsistent measures of competitors pricing.
Find out who is most likely to buy your product with our demographic profiling and price your product to what they are most likely to pay for it.
You can also use the demographic data to find out what segments are more price conscious and use discount codes as a strategy to drive sales through this segment.
Product Survey Templates